Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time for an update

Well, after a week of everyone being sick, we are all better except Sarah. I'm giving it one more day and if she's still not back to her cute little self, I'm taking her in to the doc again. She's so listless and not eating enough. Plus she is sleeping all day still. Poor little thing.

This week we have all of her therapies back on track. I have a meeting with someone from DDSO about more respite and the diaper service. If I could get a couple hours of respite every day I would dance naked in the streets of Kingston. I swear. My house would be immaculate and I'd actually get to wash my hair more than once every 10-12 days. Woohoo!

I need to reschedule her opthamology appt at Westchester yet again because they cancelled it for the second time. I have two big appts next month and I really hope we can get her in before the end of February. I'm so excited about taking her to Shriners. I hope they can help her. That would be amazing.

I also am very excited about the CdLS Conference this summer. I have my application all ready to go. I cannot wait. It is going to be a great experience.

Other than that, the property is looking better and better all the time. Most of the trees are cleared out and Hugh is getting ready to start building. Once we get some warm weather, the girls and I are going to go over a few times a week and work on some gardens. I think I'll do raised beds. We have so much space. It's going to be cool to finally have a big organic garden. We are considering buying the property right next to ours as well. Then we'll have almost six acres. There is already a rental on that property which we'll keep there and fix up (it needs work...I feel bad for the family that is in it right now and would definitely want to spruce the place up for them). I can't wait for the winter to end. So many things to do.

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