Thursday, January 24, 2008

Time to take a break

I am feeling so overwhelmed right now. I have to get organized and get Sarah's medical needs taken care of. I'll try to update in a couple weeks. I recently decided to switch our Early Intervention "Ongoing Service Coordinator" to some one who is a friend of mine. Our original "Ongoing" is really nice but has been dropping the ball alot lately and not communicating. We have every service there is for Sarah and I need to know what is going on, not be left in the dark for over a month at a time. So switching to the new OSC apparently has struck a wrong chord with our PT. She must have had issues with her in the past and now there is drama. I feel like I'm in the middle and I want no part of it. I just want Sarah's services to continue as they are. I don't have the emotional strength to deal with this crap right now. Sarah is due for her yearly meeting and needs to be tested again in all areas. I've not been feeling well for months and still haven't had a chance to see my doctor.

Sarah needs to see the gastro, the opthamologist, and the neurologist. She needs to get in for a hearing test. And I'm still waiting to hear back from Shriners. I just need to get my head together. I don't need added stress. Hopefully next time I log on to the computer, I'll be feeling better. I just need to prioritize and get things straightened out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thinking of you guys and wanted to say hi. Take care of yourself and the little one.

Luv ya,
Jo aka MomOfHeathens