Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sarah finally got a gait trainer. She absolutely hates it. LOL. I was hoping she would enjoy being able to move around on her own but she's not happy about it at all. Her PT is going on vacation in two weeks and we will be on our own for about a month. And now I just found out that if her report for Sarah's annual review is not in before she leaves, we cannot have PT put on Sarah's IFSP. What a load of crap! There's alot more going on that involves bad blood between my serivce coordinator and the PT and I think it stinks that Sarah has to suffer because of it. People have really been getting under my skin lately.

In other news, I'm tired of internet drama and nasty, catty bitches that have nothing better to do with their time and life than dig up what they consider "dirt" on other people and use it to try to damage them. Makes me sick and I'm surprised that certain women I thought were so cool actually turned out to be so damn ugly. I hope no one holds my past mistakes against me. It really had my blood boiling yesterday and I actually decided to step away from the forum it went down on. And it sucks because I really loved that place but I have a bad taste in my mouth. I even went back and edited some of the threads I started in the "private" forum there. I realized that I don't want certain people to know my business. If I ever do decide to post there again, I'll never post a single personal thing, that is for sure. Yuck. I now remember why I have very few close female friends in real life.

And on a happier note, I lost 10lbs so far! Woohoo! Hopefully next month, when the temps rise a little bit, I can plan some easy hikes for the girls and I. Hugh is losing weight too. I've been packing his lunch and he's cut down on the sweets. Now I have to figure out a way to get him to drink more water.

1 comment:

Michelle ~ Blogging from the Boonies said...

I hope Sarah gets used to her gait trainer.

I will miss you on Amity's and I do hope you return (though I have cut back a lot on my time there as well)

Keep updating this blog, I have you on my Google Reader, so I see updates when they're posted.